I love a good self tanner. As soon as the weather gets warmer, it’s official tan season since it’s exactly as they say, everything looks better with a tan. I have used many self tanners over the year but one of my all-time favourite brands is St. Tropez. Although they are a little pricey compared […]
I love self tanners. My skin doesn’t tan very well naturally so the use of a good self tanner is a must for me. This year was a bit different than other years since I usually go through bottles of the stuff in the summer, but since I was working for home, I actually got […]
It’s no lie, I love self tanners. For a girl who doesn’t tan very well naturally, I rely a great deal on self tanners. I’ve used so many brands and formulas through the years that I have narrowed down my favourites, both in terms of brands and the kind of self tanner I like to […]