The terms “shed that winter coat” are definitely applicable in more ways than one. Like lots of girls, the need to shave one’s legs isn’t really a top priority in the wintertime. I mean, who is going to see my legs, right? But with summer coming up and my non-stop shopping addiction for cute clothes, […]
Although it may not quite feel like summer just yet, the weather is slowly getting warmer, bringing us to….. shorts season! Hemlines are getting shorter, the heels higher, the skin tanner, and well, your legs have to keep up. I don’t know if you are like me, but during the winter months, I usually just […]
Alright guys, with one month remaining of summer (technically almost two, but really, does anyone actually count September as being summer?), you might as well make every second count. I myself am off to Vegas in a week for four days of relaxing (AKA a lot of drinking, partying, shopping, and an excessive amount of sun), so […]