Old-Hollywood glamour is seems to be on trend this season as a few brands have been releasing products inspired by the era. I received a sample of Lancome’s Hypnose Star mascara with Lancome’s Gift with Purchase at Sears Canada a month ago and thought I would give it a try since I ran out of […]
When it comes to false lashes, I love the look of them, but I get quite lazy in applying them. The ones I have were quite old so I figured it was time to upgrade. Now, being a Katy Perry fan (I love her makeup) I thought I would give her line of lashes by […]
Before I get into my post, if you are reading this, that means the world has not ended… yet :p. Alright, so for the past month I have been nail polish free, which is weird because wearing nail polish is second nature to me, so it’s been quite the adjustment. For the past while I […]