I once read on Self magazine’s website that they rated “Sexy and I Know It” by LMFAO as the best workout song. Why? Because of the beats per minute (BPM). BPM is used as tempo in the music. For example, the more BPM a song has the motivating the music is, at least for working […]
So I was on the hunt for new music and saw that Alexandra Stan had a new single out. I have been listening to her for a few years now and whenever she releases a new song I usually love it right away (I’m the same way with Inna, another Romanian artist). Anyways, her new […]
So I loved doing a favourites post so much that I thought I would do another one but about other things non-beauty related. Stuff I loved last month (I’m a little late with this one…) other than beauty and fashion. Whether it was music, movies, books, etc. Music Okay, number one would definitely be Britney […]