Montreal recap (I’m back!)
So it’s been a week since I have blogged last and I feel so out of the loop! My apologies, I was in Montreal for the last six days on vacation so I haven’t had time for blogging. This was my fourth time to the city so I mostly just hung around St. Catherine’s (which is the place to be if you love mainstream shopping). Montreal had an awful snow storm Friday which totally soaked my Uggs through and unfortunately those were my only pair of boots I had so I went to Payless and bought the cheapest winter boots in stock in my size. Honestly, I already have Sorel-type boots so that will probably be the only time I ever wear those (I so should have brought my Hunter boots). Oh well, c’est la vie!
I have a bunch of different blog posts planned including a Montreal haul, reviews, and much more. Whenever I go on vacations I usually stock up at the stores we don’t have here so I have a ton of stuff to post.
Anyways, here are some random pictures from my trip, they were taken with my iPhone so the quality isn’t as good as my Nikon, but they are good enough. If you follow me on Instagram (shayna_apopofcolour) you may have seen a lot of these already.
Hope you enjoyed the photos and keep a look out for posts on what I got and reviews on some new products!
Have you been to Montreal? What is your favourite part of the city?
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