Okay, so there hasn’t really been a ton of things to do this holiday season. In years past, we would go for so many dinners, spend lots of time with friends and family, walk around and go for drinks or coffee, take in some shows, you name it. This year the only thing to do […]
Fall is totally my favourite season. Although we are still technically in summer, the weather is getting cooler here in Winnipeg and I’ve already been craving everything pumpkin spice (don’t tell anyone, but I totally had a PSL the day they came out). Aside from everything pumpkin, one of my favourite things about the season […]
It feels like Mother’s Day just happened. Well actually, it also feels like New Year’s just happened. 2017 is flying by, it’s already the middle of the year, which means that dads are at the forefront of our minds right now. We usually just ask my father what he wants and he tells us, but […]