A Pop of Shine
So one of my favourite things about fall is busting out my Ugg boats. Love em’ or hate em’ they are warm and comfortable, especially after wearing heels all day at work. I got the black sequined Ugg boots last February in Las Vegas and I have noticed that they are starting to pop up in stores here in Canada.
I have been a huge fan of Ugg Australia for about seven years now and have owned at least five pairs of these boots in all different colours and styles. Even though they are not the best made boots anymore (they make them in China, not Australia – hey, supply and demand right?) and there is the fact that they are extremely overpriced, but for some reason I keep coming back to them. So when I saw these sequined boots in the Ugg Australia store at the Forum Shops I knew I had to have them.
I love sparkly things, like seriously, the more glitter, the better. These boots come in a variety of different colours – black, gold, silver, purple, and red. When I bought mine they only had black because they were a hot commodity, riding off the coattails of being on Oprah’s Favourite Things. I like the black the best because they are understated compared to the other colours. Although I tend to be quite flashy, for these boots I would have picked black even if there were more colours to choose from because 1) black goes with everything and b) they aren’t as in-your-face as the other colours are (not to knock the other colours, I just prefer the black ones the best).
I usually wear these with liquid leggings or black denim, when I tried them on in the store with blue jeans I thought they looked like sewage boots, as weird as that sounds. I definitely do not think they go with everything but you can for sure dress them up and down, and besides, with the holidays coming up they are a perfect fit. Festive and warm.
The boots are covered in sequins and have satin details. Inside they have the standard sheepskin lining for maximum comfort.
So would I recommend them? I myself love them and they are a fun way to add some flavour and shine to an outfit. In the United States they retail for $170 and in Canada for $255. If you are Canadian like me, I would either order them online from an American retailer like Victoria’s Secret or take a trip down to the U.S. to get them. I hate how Ugg Australia is marked up here in Canada by so much. So with that being said, they are a lot for really a frivolous purchase (when I travel I usually buy one expensive item, this was it), I do not really wear these in the winter time because we get a lot of snow here and iconically I find that snow and slush tend to ruin my Ugg boats. So far I have only worn these in the fall and spring and a little in the winter if the snow is hard. For so much money I would hate to ruin them because of a little snow and slush.
I also noticed online that there are a pair of over-the-knee sequin Uggs which are just so fabulous but unnecessary for $350 USD.
As a side note, shoes.com is offering 20 per cent off site-wide and free shipping. If you were looking into purchasing these Uggs or any other Uggs I would check this sale out, it’s on until October 29, 2011. Sorry for my Canadian friends, they do not ship Ugg Australia internationally but they sell a ton of other fab brands if you guys are interested.
What do you think of sequin Uggs? Fun or tacky? Overpriced or not worth it? Leave me a comment below :).