If you are a frequent Wal-Mart shopper (I’m there at least twice a week – mostly for groceries, mind you), you’ll no doubt have seen the brand Hard Candy. Hard Candy has been around for a while; it actually started off as a prestige brand and then went the mass market route a few years […]
So up until a few weeks ago I was using a purple Caboodle On The Go Girl makeup case that I literally have had since middle school. My collection has grown this past year and I found that I had to keep some of my larger items outside the case because they were too large […]
Hey all! So I have decided that I’m going to do a favourites post at the end of every month, whether it’s beauty, fashion, or just random stuff. Fittingly it’s the end of March so here are my faves for the month! ELF “C” Eyeshadow Brush I absolutely love this brush! I got it last […]