One of my favourite holidays is on the horizon. There is something about Valentine’s Day that is just so special. Even if you don’t have a partner that you call a Valentine, there are so many others you can celebrate with (dog, cat, besties, etc.), and it’s such a cute holiday that really, what’s not […]
When it comes to Valentine’s Day there’s a few things to keep in mind. What your hair and makeup is going to look like, the perfect outfit choice, and the sexiest perfume to top it all off with. I have many of scents in my collection but each one has its own story. I have […]
Chocolates, flowers and teddy bears are so last year. Although I do love all three, flowers die, chocolates go straight to my tummy (summer is coming up and I’m going to EDC in Vegas in June – dieting starts now), and I mean really, what am I supposed to do with a teddy bear (I’m […]