I can seriously say that I don’t think I have ever been so excited over a nail polish collection from OPI before. I really enjoyed the Katy Perry collection from early 2010 but even then there were colours that I loved and others that I didn’t think were that great. Earlier this month OPI released […]
I was feeling festive this weekend so I painted my nails the most gorgeous hunter green and to really bring in the holiday cheer I paired it with some glitter. The green I chose was from SpaRitual‘s fall 2011 Wilde collection called Rhythm of Life. It’s the most gorgeous holiday green and has a slight […]
So first off before I get into my nails of the day, I just want to say that this is my 100th post! Wow, these first 100 went by so fast and I’m shocked that I even had 100 ideas to blog about! Here’s to another hundred more! Moving onto my nails of the day, I […]