So you have your parents down, besties all taken care of, but now there’s one last person left on your list. Yes, I’m talking about the man in your life. Gift cards are so passe, there’s nothing like giving tangible gifts. Since men’s grooming is so 2016, I chose my top-two picks for getting your […]
Okay, so I know Halloween just ended and it’s kinda taboo to be all about the holidays before Remembrance Day, but brands have gotten on their Christmas collections super early this year. Arbonne sent me some items from their holiday collection months ago and since summer is just too early to post anything Christmas related, I’ve been holding onto […]
Chocolates, flowers and teddy bears are so last year. Although I do love all three, flowers die, chocolates go straight to my tummy (summer is coming up and I’m going to EDC in Vegas in June – dieting starts now), and I mean really, what am I supposed to do with a teddy bear (I’m […]