Posts Tagged ‘Covergirl’

12 days of beauty! P&G Beauty giveaway

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…. Oh December. Between keeping everything moisturized, glamming up for the holidays, and just trying to stay warm, it’s a month of a lot of things. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed some photos with P&G Beauty products. Us Beauty United bloggers were sent […]

A bouquet of lashes: CoverGirl Lashblast Full Lash Bloom mascara

A cult favourite has another sister coming to town. Launching in December, CoverGirl Lashblast Full Lash Bloom mascara promises a full lash look that’s soft to the touch.  The pink brush “creates volume from root to tip and combs and coats cases evenly for full separated volume”. Different from other Lashblast versions, this one has […]

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