So if you read my post on the December 2011 LuxeBox by Loose Button, you would know that I got these fab lashes by Velour. These were hands down the most impressive thing in the box for a number of reasons. One, that they alone cost $35 (the box is $12 CDN a month); two, that […]
Happy New Year! Hope you all had a fun New Years Eve and are excited to start 2012! I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions so I typically don’t make any, but hey, if you have some, all the power to you :). Since we are starting a fresh new year, I thought I […]
I was feeling festive this weekend so I painted my nails the most gorgeous hunter green and to really bring in the holiday cheer I paired it with some glitter. The green I chose was from SpaRitual‘s fall 2011 Wilde collection called Rhythm of Life. It’s the most gorgeous holiday green and has a slight […]