Archive of ‘Beauty/Fashion’ category

Time crunch: seven steps to a fresh face

Every since Daylight Savings Time hit I have been hitting “sleep” one too many times in the morning. As a result, my get-ready time in the morning has been lowered drastically and I have had to cut some steps out of my normal makeup routine. Here’s my rushed morning look, which is also perfect for […]

Pastel paradise: My top spring nail polish picks!

Spring has officially sprung! Although it’s still cold and white outside where I live, I can pretend it’s warm by sporting some spring shades on my nails. For me, this spring is all about pastels, in particular, blue, greens, and pinks. I took a look at my collection and picked out the colours that screamed […]

The 411 on cream eyeshadows

When it comes to eyeshadows, there are a few different consistencies to achieve a unique look. Although powder eyeshadows are more popular and something everyone has in their collection, cream eyeshadows come in handy as well. I have tried a few different brands of cream shadows, everything from drugstore to department store.  To me, some […]

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