May 2014 archive

Get #selfie-ready skin with The Body Shop!

In a vanity-obsessed culture, everyone and their dog (follow my dog Chase on Instagram: @Chaseeskimo!) has posted a #selfie.  The first one was recorded back in 1839 and since then has unleashed a phenomenon.  From becoming the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year for 2013 to becoming a hit EDM song (But first….), whenever you […]

Fast fashion: OOTDs with Sammy Dress

When it comes to fashion, I’m a huge believer in splurging on accessories but cheaping out on clothes.  I don’t think I would ever pay over $100 for a shirt (unless I absolutely loved it and it was unlike anything I have ever seen). Back in the day, I used to be huge into labels. […]

Monthly makeup: Wantable May 2014 makeup box

Monthly subscription boxes have been around for a number of years here.  I, myself have been a subscriber to a few of them, but in the end, I found the quality of products just wasn’t up to par with what the box cost. I feel like when this concept first came out (pay a certain […]

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