August 2011 archive

Furry Friend Tag!

So yesterday I was catching up on all my favourite guru’s videos and it seemed a common video that everyone was doing was the Furry Friend Tag.  So naturally, seeing as how I’m obsessed with my dog Ziggy, I knew I had to do it as well, except obviously make it a blog post.  Hope […]

The Colours of Summer

So you know how you will only sport some nail polish colours in certain seasons and not others.  Like for instance, very rarely do I sport a neon colour in the winter time (although it can brighten the winter blues). Well, summer is all about brights, and when it comes to brights, the bolder the […]

Banish Those Under Eye Circles!

So it seems like I have been talking about under eyes a lot recently, weird since I don’t really have any dark circles in that area.  That may be because I’m still quite young (23) or maybe because of good genes, or because of how I treat my skin.  Regardless, I thought I would mention […]

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