The holiday season is officially on! There is fresh snow on the ground and the mall has the Christmas decorations up and all I want to do is shop! Anyways, in honour of the holiday season, I thought I would do the typical December look: shimmery eyes with red lips. It’s been done before numerous […]
Now that all my eyelash extensions have fallen off I went ahead and splurged a little on mascara. My philosophy behind it is, I was spending $60 every month to month-and-a-half, so I figured I could drop some serious dough on mascara, something that will last me a few months. After a lot of research […]
So I don’t know about you guys, but I find blue eyeshadow a bit unwearable at time. I always see super nice blue eyeshadows but when I apply then I tend to look like a clown. Well, before you go throwing out that blue eyeshadow I came up with a wearable look for all your […]