In case you haven’t noticed, peach is totally in. And by peach, I mean peach makeup palettes. I want to say Too Faced led the way with their Sweet Peach palette and then all the other brands followed suit. As I mentioned in Friday’s post, the Sweet Peach eyeshadow palette is the brand’s quickest seller […]
With the weather getting warm and festival season in full swing, I have been obssesed with colour. Since rocking a blue or purple eye isn’t really suitable for everyday wear (depending on what you do), I love adding a subtle pop into a neutral look to make this trend easy to wear and subtle enough […]
It’s spring, it’s spring! Although we have been having cold weather (again!) here in Winnipeg for the past week, the snow is slowly melting and my mood is picking up. I absolutely love spring because that means that summer is coming (patio season!) and colour is making a comeback. Pastel is all the rage right […]