Yay to free! Sears Canada has their spring Clinique gift with purchase (GWP) going on right now until May 13. Since I am an avid Clinique user I typically wait to pick something up until a GWP hits. Not that I need any more eyeshadows or dark lipsticks from them, but free is free, right? […]
No Fitness Friday this week because today features a time-sensitive post instead. Sears Canada launched the fall Clinique Gift with Purchase (GWP) on October 18 with runs until November 6. I have been using Clinique products forever, so whenever Sears offers a GWP I usually take advantage and stock up on products that I use […]
Well my Canadian friends, it’s that time of the year again. Clinique gift with purchase (GWP) at Sears! I am a huge Clinique lover, having used their Three-Step System since I was 16, I have had my abundance of gift with purchases with the brand. I typically only buy Clinique at Sears so I often […]