When one gets the chance to test drive a luxury vehicle for a week, you don’t pass up that opportunity. Last week I got to cruise around town in the brand-new 2016 Lincoln MKX. I’ve had test driving opportunities in the past with Ford Canada, and if you are a car enthusiast, you’ll know that […]
Almost a month ago I moved for the first time in my life. I bought my condo two years ago, preconstruction. Since then, it’s been tons of waiting, lots of drive bys, and a whole ton of saving. On October 26, 2015 I finally got the keys to my new place. I know now what […]
What would you choose to do if you were given a car for the day, plus a prepaid Visa? Well, my best friend and I were tasked with that very question late last week as we got the opportunity to explore Manitoba, cruise around in the new Ford Focus 1.0L, and capture it all on […]