So I felt the need to invest in a few girly books and I have always had my eye on Lauren Conrad’s Style (co-written with Elise Loehnen). This book was originally released in October 2010, but fear not, the style tips do still apply as they are pretty basic things that anyone should know. From […]
Happy New Year! Hope you all had a fun New Years Eve and are excited to start 2012! I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions so I typically don’t make any, but hey, if you have some, all the power to you :). Since we are starting a fresh new year, I thought I […]
Happy Monday! I am back in reading mode after three failed attempts of trying to get through some books. Right now I’m still trying to plow through Freedom by Jonathan Franzen and 14 Days Later by Sibel Hodge. Between all that I tried reading The Book of Awesome which was good and entertaining, but unfortunately […]