July 2012 archive

NOTD: Essie Lights

I have been on the hunt for Essie’s Lights from their Poppi-Razzi collection for a month now.  My mom actually found it in a rural municipality outside my city and she knows how much I wanted it so she picked it up for me. Essie’s Poppi-Razzi collection is made up of four neons colours that […]

To repurchase or not: products I’ve used up

I would say I have a pretty modest makeup collection so when I use up products I get pretty excited because  a) it means that it was worth the money, and b) then I can buy more stuff. Some of the products I have gone through I would purchase again and others I would skip […]

A spin on the classic french manicure

Some people may find that a french manicure is kind of tacky, but I have always felt they are just so classic.  Nail art is everywhere right now and there are a few ways you can spice up a french mani, including playing with metallics and cream colours. I actually came across a similar look […]

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